
53 documents

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  1. CSR Advisory document regarding realistic alternatives for gaining lawful access to end-to-end encrypted communication, other than weakening encryption

    In this letter, the CSR offers advice on realistic alternatives for gaining lawful access to end-to-end encrypted communication, ...

    Advisory document | 09-09-2022

  2. Report of findings by the technical-substantive task force on encryption

    The following is a report from an ad hoc task force. The issue/task which the task force was convened to address is as follows: ...

    Report | 09-09-2022

  3. CSR Multiannual strategy 2022-2025

    The CSR Multi-Year Strategy 2022-2025 contains six strategic themes that the Cyber ​​Security Council (CSR) will be working on ...

    Annual plan | 08-08-2022

  4. CSR Annual Report 2021

    In the CSR annual report you can read all about the main activities of the Cyber ​​Security Council (CSR) in 2021.

    Annual report | 08-08-2022

  5. CSR Magazine - Year 6, No 1, February 2022

    Every year the Cyber Security Council (CSR) publishes the CSR Magazine on strategic cybersecurity topics.

    Magazine | 08-02-2022

  6. Guidance on the use of the ‘Assessment framework for digital autonomy and cybersecurity’

    This guidance has been written primarily for policy makers in government, but private organisations can also use it. Both the ...

    Cybersecurity guide | 16-11-2021

  7. CSR Annual Report 2020

    In the CSR annual report you can read all about the main activities of the Cyber ​​Security Council (CSR) in 2020.

    Annual report | 12-08-2021

  8. Video message about the CSR Advice 'Integral Approach to Cyber Resilience'

    Video message with CSR councilors Hans de Jong, Tineke Netelenbos, Wiebe Draijer and Bart Jacobs about the CSR Advice 'Integral ...

    Video | 08-06-2021

  9. Video interview about the CSR Advisory document ‘Digital Autonomy and Cybersecurity in the Netherlands'

    Video interview with CSR councilors Lokke Moerel and Gerrit van der Burg about the CSR Advice 'Dutch Digital Autonomy and ...

    Video | 20-05-2021

  10. CSR Advisory document ‘Digital Autonomy and Cybersecurity in the Netherlands' – CSR Advisory document 2021, No. 3

    This advice focuses specifically on the subject of digital autonomy and cybersecurity. Our ultimate challenge: How do we as the ...

    Advisory document | 14-05-2021